It can be frustrating to HTM teams, and end-users, to learn that their ultrasound probe, that was only sent in to address a damaged strain relief, may require a more …
Decoded dStream and Error-Free AIR coils
Over the past few years, several OEMs have released new MRI coil models that have strayed from traditional design. Philips dStream™ and GE AIR™ coils utilize updated technologies and updated …
TEE Probe Preventive Maintenance
TEE probes are exposed to significant wear as part of everyday normal use. Significant savings add-up with a TEE probe preventive maintenance program. Last month, we provided an overview of …
TEE Probe 101
Trans-esophageal echo-cardiology (TEE) probes. Merely uttering those words can sound intimidating. Even imaging service engineers, who’ve supported diagnostic ultrasound for years, may have never truly felt comfortable handling these devices. …
Troubleshooting Mechanical 3D Ultrasound Probes
Despite advancements in matrix array technology, mechanical 3D probes still remain very popular for abdominal and Ob-Gyn applications. Given their design, there are modes of failure specific to mechanical 3D …
3D Ultrasound
Is it 3D, 4D, or 3D/4D, and what is 5D Ultrasound? You may be surprised to know that the first 3D ultrasound image was acquired back in 1986. Saying that …
Standard Ultrasound Probe Inspections
User manuals and service manuals distributed by Original Equipment Manufacturers stress the importance of frequent visual inspections of ultrasound probes. None actually provide good, solid guidance for performing thorough standard …
Early Warning Signs
If you don’t schedule time for preventive maintenance, your device will schedule it for you…and usually at the most inopportune time. A simple web search on the term preventive maintenance …
Uniquely Qualified to Repair Your Ultrasound Probes
Did you know? Innovatus Imaging is an FDA-registered medical device Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) as well as an Independent Service Organization (ISO). Innovatus manufactures ultrasound probes, ultrasound arrays, and ultrasound-related …
Repair Options To Fit Your Service Model
You have repair options for your ultrasound probes and MRI coils with Innovatus Imaging. Although our goal is to fully restore your product’s performance, safety and appearance. Sometimes, all you …