Rapid Restore Logo
Restore uptime instantly with RapidRestore

Restore Uptime

Restore Workflow

Restore Clinical Staff Satisfaction

Restore Trust

Restore Efficiency

Restore Probe lifecycle

Exchange our "finished goods" loaner for the cost of your repair!
Not the market exchange price

We pioneered the "Exchange-At-The-Repair Price" program in 2008 that others have tried to mimic

It all started in 2008 with the launch of TotalRepair. We released a list of 30-probe models that were fully repairable. This market-changing offering also and enabled customers to exchange their broken probe for only the cost of the repair. In fact, we guaranteed repairability of probes on the TotalRepair list.

We were the ONLY repair provider that published a list of fully repairable probe models, and the TotalRepair list grew as high as 140 unique probe models.

One of our original TotalRepair lists
Original TotalRepair List

Rapid Restore Process

  1. Client requests overnight loaner
  2. Loaner delivered
  3. Client packages and ships defective probe
  4. Client probe evaluated and quote provided for $500 strain relief replacement
  5. Client approves RapidRestore exchange, and Done !

Client has like-new probe for $500
Entire probe is covered under warranty

Traditional Repair Process

  1. Client requests overnight loaner
  2. Loaner delivered
  3. Client packages and ships defective probe
  4. Client probe evaluated and quote provided for $500 strain relief replacement
  5. Client approves repair
  6. Client probe repaired
  7. Client probe returned
  8. Loaner located
  9. Loaner packaged and returned
  10. Done ? Loaner damage ? Loaner overdue ?

Client has repaired probe for $500
Only the strain relief is covered under warranty

Bottom Line

Less Expensive, Less Hassle, Less Risk, Like-New Performance, More-Comprehensive Warranty