How Accreditation for Imaging Departments Affects Your Facility, Your Patients, and You The importance of being ISO 13485:2016 certified has been a popular topic in the medical device service industry …
Access is Key
It’s not about access to more equipment, additional repair services, or even increased budgets to gear up for another episode of the unknown. It’s about greater access to the parts …
Lifecycle of an Ultrasound Probe
Ultrasound transducers are highly complex, Class ll medical devices we see all the time on television, in print ads, and, of course, healthcare facilities. Have you ever given thought to …
4-Best Practices For Maximizing MRI Coil Longevity
By Ted Lucidi, CBET As an imaging service engineer in the hospital setting for many years of my career, I know the search for reliable methodologies, partners, and practices for …
4-Criteria for Vendor Qualification
So many choices…What repair partner should you choose, and why should they be chosen? 4-criteria for vendor qualification. In the past, health care facilities used terms such as biomedical engineering …
Double Jeopardy – Lightning round to test your imaging IQ
Matt Tomory and the Innovatus Team will be holding an educational session at #MDExpo, in Dallas, TX on Saturday, April 17, 9:30-10:30 a.m Participate in a lightning-round game show format …
Data Driven Repair
The pressure is on to get the lowest price and build back the bottom lines lost in 2020. However, there is often a high price to a low cost repair. See how …
Under Pressure
Here’s how the right service partner and repair processes can relieve today’s pressure and take your efforts to a higher-level tomorrow.
Do you know how many times your cable can flex before potentially compromising your probe’s performance?
A cable flex tester helps Innovatus quantify the number of twists and flexes a cable can endure before performance is compromised