The pressure is on to get the lowest price and build back the bottom lines lost in 2020. However, there is often a high price to a low cost repair. See how data driven repair can affect your bottom line.
In some cases, low price comes with a high number of subsequent repairs that in short order add up to be way more expensive than a higher quality repair, or even a new device. In fact, a client just told us about a $23,000 price tag for multiple repairs to restore the quality from a single bad repair.
All repairs at Innovatus Imaging are backed by years of testing data to assure we not only maintain a high first-time fix rate, but deliver to you a reliable repair that is sustainable and lowers your total cost of ownership. You can read about our Data Driven Repair processes here, or call us to discuss how data driven repair can add to your ROI.
Introduction to Data Driven Repairs and Why it Matters for Performance and Patients
In an industry with much at stake, quick fixes are simply not enough. Imaging device repairs need to be backed up by “evidence” not just personal experience as to what will work fast and hold up for at least a little while.
Relying on scientifically-valid evidence and data- driven analytics to guide repair procedures for ultrasound probes and MRI coils is critical for results that enable devices to perform as originally intended while positively impacting operational and financial goals.
At Innovatus Imaging, we call this Data-Driven Repair (DDR). DDR represents methodologies developed over 25 years of proprietary research, testing and experience which guide our manufacturing and repair of probes and coils. It also integrates insights and methodologies from scientific studies, quality management systems, globally-recognized performance standards, and exclusive analytics from more than 160,000 successful repairs for just probes alone.
Our Data Driven Repair processes are developed by our Design and Manufacturing Center of Excellence in Denver, Colorado lead by Chief Technology Officer, Mike LaBree, a renowned leader in technology development, device design and manufacturing processes. Primary components of DDR which are proven to extend performance quality and life of probes and coils include the following…