Whether it’s an external pacemaker, anesthetic vaporizer, ultrasound probe, MRI coil, or other specialized device, how do YOU choose which provider will repair your device today? What’s drives your decision? …
Common MRI Coil Failures
We’re often asked, “What are the most common failures on MRI coils? Since so many have asked, independently of each other, we thought that it would be a great idea …
ISO 13485:2016 Certified Quality Management System
Did you know? Innovatus only performs repairs on devices for which we have a process documented in our ISO 13485:2016 certified Quality Management System. Commitment to Quality In the repair …
Specialists versus Generalists
Lately, every week, it seems as though one Independent Service Organization (ISO) is acquiring another. The goal may be financial gain for their investors, or an attempt to become a …
Decoded dStream and Error-Free AIR coils
Over the past few years, several OEMs have released new MRI coil models that have strayed from traditional design. Philips dStream™ and GE AIR™ coils utilize updated technologies and updated …
Repair Options To Fit Your Service Model
You have repair options for your ultrasound probes and MRI coils with Innovatus Imaging. Although our goal is to fully restore your product’s performance, safety and appearance. Sometimes, all you …
Invivo MRI Coil Solutions
Innovatus Imaging has comprehensive Invivo MRI coil solutions on almost 200 MRI coils manufactured by Invivo. Performance, function, and safety are fully assessed top-to-bottom, so there are no surprises later-on, …
What’s Inside Matters
If we’ve learned anything over the years, that applies to the Right to Repair issue that we now face relative to a repair, is WHAT’S INSIDE MATTERS. Back in 1991, …
Webinar Wednesday: Sept. 28, 2020
MRI Coils: Failure Analysis and Strategies to Minimize Support Costs At Innovatus, we track and trend most everything. For this session, We’ve compiled failure analysis data from over 3600 MRI …
MRI Coil testing at Innovatus Imaging
With a legacy in MRI coil manufacturing, Innovatus Imaging has the expertise, experience, and talent needed to provide you with accurate, comprehensive, and holistic repair solutions. Who is more qualified …