Ever wonder how repair methodologies for ultrasound probes come to be?
Developing repair processes, testing protocols, metrics and evaluation standards is almost as complex as creating new products. Best-in-class repair processes require design, engineering, and manufacturing skills and insights just like new OEM products.
Take a look at how the team at Innovatus Imaging’s Center for Excellence for Design and Manufacturing develops break-through technologies, new products, and methodologies for delivering repairs that last, perform and matter for your patients and ROI.
Mike LaBree, our Chief Technology Officer, and Mike Katzenmeier, our Vice President of Manufacturing Operations, walk you through what it takes to create a solution to an imminent health care need from recognizing a problem, designing a solution, testing and taking it to market.
View this video on our YouTube channel and subscribe to see the latest news from our Centers of Excellence for Ultrasound Probe Repair, MRI Coil Repair, Radiography Devices and Device Manufacturing.
Learn more about our service offerings for Ultrasound Probes, MRI Coils, Radiography Devices and Medical Device Design & Manufacturing